Week 13 FINAL Results - Fort Worth Invitational
Round Country Club Filter
1 21 39 2X Elmah Open Champ Dufner $0 Rose $2,556,000 Scott $32,944 Koepka, B $766,800 $766,800 $3,355,744
T-2 1 7 That's A Bomb! Dufner $0 Koepka, B $1,533,600 Rahm $518,300 Rose $1,278,000 $1,278,000 $3,329,900
T-2 7 13 Buckhead 'Baters Dufner $0 Koepka, B $1,533,600 Tway, K $518,300 Rose $1,278,000 $1,278,000 $3,329,900
T-4 9 10 LaPlumbBob Johnson, Z $0 Koepka, B $1,533,600 Scott $0 Grillo $482,800 Rose $1,278,000 $1,727,856 $3,294,400
T-4 12 44 Finnsanity Koepka, B $1,533,600 Scott $0 Spieth $0 Rose $1,278,000 Grillo $482,800 $1,655,720 $3,294,400
6 17 43 Twelve Inch Pianist Rose $2,556,000 Schauffele $0 Walker $128,392 Grillo $482,800 $482,800 $3,167,192
7 4 12 Three Putt Bogey Hadley $0 Koepka, B $1,533,600 Spieth $72,136 Rose $1,278,000 $1,149,608 $2,883,736
8 43 26 Wabanasty Dufner $0 Koepka, B $1,533,600 Scott $32,944 Rose $1,278,000 $1,278,000 $2,844,544
9 32 34 SchneiderJAMS Dufner $0 Kizzire $29,962 Koepka, B $1,533,600 Rose $1,278,000 $1,278,000 $2,841,562
10 19 17 Bigfin Koepka, B $1,533,600 Rahm $518,300 Scott $0 Grillo $482,800 $449,856 $2,534,700
11 16 18 Super Jews Dufner $0 Na $681,600 Scott $0 Grillo $482,800 Rose $1,278,000 $1,727,856 $2,442,400
12 6 2 Dustin's Johnson DeChambeau $43,622 Grillo $965,600 Spieth $0 Rose $1,278,000 $1,205,864 $2,287,222
13 20 20 Fowleballl Fowler $234,300 Kisner $0 Koepka, B $1,533,600 Grillo $482,800 $449,856 $2,250,700
14 8 11 No More Three Putts DeChambeau $43,622 Dufner* $0 Koepka, B $1,533,600 Grillo $482,800 $482,800 $2,060,022
15 10 45 Island Green VACANT $0 VACANT $0 VACANT $0 Rose $1,278,000 Koepka, B $766,800 $2,044,800 $2,044,800
16 13 8 Sterling Archer Johnson, Z $0 Lee, D $234,300 Scott $0 Grillo $482,800 Rose $1,278,000 $1,727,856 $1,995,100
17 22 32 Benny And The Jets Dufner $0 Rahm $518,300 Walker $128,392 Rose $1,278,000 $1,278,000 $1,924,692
18 38 23 Monts O'Hair $0 Piercy $0 Rahm $518,300 Rose $1,278,000 $1,278,000 $1,796,300
19 5 1 7 Iron Chunker Dufner $0 Scott $32,944 Simpson $0 Grillo $482,800 Rose $1,278,000 $1,760,800 $1,793,744
20 29 4 The Snap Hookers Johnson, Z $0 Kisner $0 Rahm $518,300 Grillo $482,800 Koepka, B $766,800 $1,216,656 $1,767,900
21 25 50 Carl Spackler Cantlay $0 Johnson, Z $0 Simpson $0 Grillo $482,800 Rose $1,278,000 $1,760,800 $1,760,800
22 2 3 Macadeuce Harman $234,300 Spaun $0 Walker $128,392 Rose $1,278,000 $1,278,000 $1,640,692
23 28 49 Couples Therapy Koepka, B $1,533,600 Kuchar $72,136 Scott $32,944 $1,638,680
24 44 25 Flutie Flushed Cantlay $0 Koepka, B $1,533,600 Wise $0 Hoffman, C $16,472 $16,472 $1,550,072
25 39 27 Worm Burners Grillo $965,600 Rahm $518,300 Schauffele $0 Kodaira $64,196 $64,196 $1,548,096
26 37 38 Mickelcusker Dufner $0 Kisner $32,944 Walker $128,392 Rose $1,278,000 $1,278,000 $1,439,336
27 35 6 Jesper's Nannies Dufner $0 Hadwin $0 Spieth $72,136 Kodaira $64,196 Rose $1,278,000 $1,309,252 $1,414,332
28 18 33 Snappy Hooks Dufner $0 Scott $32,944 Spieth $72,136 Rose $1,278,000 $1,278,000 $1,383,080
29 11 14 EAGLES!!!! Johnson, Z $0 Kisner $32,944 Scott $32,944 Rose $1,278,000 $1,278,000 $1,343,888
30 3 22 Murphy's Law Dufner $0 Johnson, Z $0 Stricker $72,136 Grillo $482,800 Koepka, B $766,800 $1,249,600 $1,321,736
31 33 30 Whitey's Bulger VACANT $0 VACANT $0 VACANT $0 Rose $1,278,000 $1,278,000 $1,278,000
32 48 41 Forrest Fezler Lee, D $234,300 O'Hair $0 Rahm $518,300 Grillo $482,800 $482,800 $1,235,400
33 49 40 Tigerwillwinamajor Harman $234,300 Johnson, Z $0 Walker $128,392 Grillo $482,800 $482,800 $845,492
34 41 46 Whitney's Cantlay $0 DeChambeau $43,622 Scott $32,944 Koepka, B $766,800 $766,800 $843,366
35 14 5 Dream Weavers Hadley $0 Harman $234,300 Stricker $72,136 Grillo $482,800 $354,408 $789,236
36 50 48 Fin MacGreen Cantlay $0 Lee, D $234,300 Scott $32,944 Grillo $482,800 $482,800 $750,044
37 26 47 The Gaffer Kisner $32,944 Simpson $0 Walker $128,392 Grillo $482,800 $482,800 $644,136
38 24 24 Big Gulps Huh? Dufner $0 O'Hair $0 Walker $128,392 Grillo $482,800 $482,800 $611,192
T-39 23 37 Eli’s Eagles DeChambeau $43,622 Johnson, Z $0 Kisner $32,944 Grillo $482,800 $482,800 $559,366
T-39 46 42 Grateful Dudes DeChambeau $43,622 Scott $32,944 Simpson $0 Grillo $482,800 $482,800 $559,366
41 31 31 Keito4 Dufner $0 Kim, SW $28,968 Scott $32,944 Grillo $482,800 $482,800 $544,712
42 36 29 MakeSundaysGr8Again! Duncan $27,974 Piercy $0 Scott $32,944 Grillo $482,800 $482,800 $543,718
43 42 9 Hackers DeChambeau $43,622 Dufner $0 Johnson, Z $0 Grillo $482,800 $482,800 $526,422
T-44 34 16 Frank Zappa Dufner $0 Scott $32,944 Wise $0 Grillo $482,800 $482,800 $515,744
T-44 47 19 Putt Pirates Dufner $0 Johnson, Z $0 Scott $32,944 Grillo $482,800 $482,800 $515,744
T-44 40 28 Sharkshank Dufner* $0 Scott $32,944 Simpson $0 Grillo $482,800 $482,800 $515,744
T-47 15 15 Hit Em With The Hein Cantlay $0 Dufner $0 Johnson, Z $0 Grillo $482,800 $482,800 $482,800
T-47 45 36 BeTheRightClubTODAY Dufner $0 Johnson, Z $0 Simpson $0 Grillo $482,800 $482,800 $482,800
49 27 21 Hey! That's My Bike! DeChambeau $43,622 Kim, SW $28,968 Scott $32,944 $105,534
50 53 51 Finn Cup DeChambeau $43,622 Smith, Cam $0 NO SHOW $0 $43,622
T-51 51 35 Golf Lodge VACANT $0 VACANT $0 VACANT $0 $0
T-51 30 52 Ghost Of Seve VACANT $0 VACANT $0 VACANT $0 $0
T-51 52 53 All Lip And No Hole VACANT $0 VACANT $0 VACANT $0 $0